Friday 21 July 2017

Guidelines for Successfully Unpacking After Arriving in Your New Home

Everyone knows that feeling of wanting to get the job done when moving to a new location. At this point all of the boxes are unloaded from the truck and inside your new location. Some might say “NOW” is when the real work begins. Getting everything unpacked and in its new proper place takes time, patience and creativity to say the least. Having a plan is important when unpacking everything at your new location. Below is an orderly list for unpacking using strategy and organization to avoid problems.

1. Food and Perishable Items
Obviously anything refrigerated or frozen should be the first to be unpacked and rushed to the refrigerator. If you are not moving very far and lucky enough to have the option of moving your fridge upright from one location to the other then you might be able to simply unplug the refrigerator and plug it in again at your new location leaving the food intact inside.

2. Toiletries and Hygiene
You will likely find yourself needing some of these items soon after arriving and taking on the job of setting up your new place. Needing to wash your hands with soap or use the restroom are a certainty while unpacking and setting up your new place. Having everything needed to also take a fast shower will make everything more relaxing at the end of the day.

3. Child and Pet Items
Keeping the kids and pets busy when trying to establish a sense of organization in your new place is a big plus. Unpacking a few of their favorite toys or security blankets can bring a sense of relaxation allowing you to focus on completing the job ahead.

4. Kitchen and Food Preparation Items
Having the kitchen stuff unpacked and set up is a big help. While adjusting to your new home many times you might find the kids or yourself craving a simple home prepared snack or even your favorite microwavable frozen dish from the grocery store.

5. Items for the Bedroom
Since we spend about 1/3 of our life asleep then it makes perfect sense that getting the bedroom setup is something that should not be put on hold. Some find themselves spending the first night or two sleeping on the couch or floor because they prioritized other things. Getting a good night of sleep will help supply you with the energy needed for effectively getting your house in order.

6. Occupational Objects
By this time it is important to start unpacking items related to work. Whether it is a laptop or day planner, staying updated with important people and tasks can make the difference between success and failure. Having your home office or business attire ready as soon as possible will assure the stress of moving will not interfere at the workplace.

7. Legal Documents
Moving to a new location is certainly going to mean handling some legal documents. Often times it will be necessary to file personal and residential related documents. Having these readily available for any needed changes will make life a little easier.

8. Electronics and Computer Gadgets
Getting connected again and staying in touch with the outside world through tv and internet can be a nice way to reduce stress after a big day of moving. Having these devices up and running again as soon as possible will not only give the kids something to do but will also allow you to entertain family or friends who are helping during break time.

9. Tension Relief
Finally as you near the end of the unpacking process everyone can take the time to unpack their favorite items. For some this might be a video game or DVD and for others it might be an MP3 music player. Enjoying your favorite item will help relieve any remaining stress at the end of the day.

In any moving situation it pays to have a good strategy ready for unpacking and getting everything organized for enjoying your new place.

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